The concert starts in about -2553 hours, it is time to buy tickets!
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Place: Liechtenstein Palace
Malostranské náměstí 258/13, Praha 1, Czech Republic [show details]
The Liechtenstein Palace has been built in the late Baroque style. The building is situated at the Malostranske namesti 258/13 at the Mala Strana in Prague, Czech Republic. The palace occupies all of the western line of the square and is connected to the Hartig Palace, the seat of the Academy of Performing Arts (HAMU). The time of Charles of Liechtenstein is being reminded by 27 heads on 27 metal bollards at the sidewalk, the work of Karel Nepraš. [translated from the Czech version of Wikipedia]
There are two concert halls in the building: the Gallery and the Martinu Hall.
The Parnas has been formed in 1990s' as the Parnas Quartet, followed by its larger line-up Parnas Ensemble in 2007, by members of the Prague Symphony Orchestra to fill a void in the Prague musical community for a high–calibre chamber group performing both light classical and ballroom dance music. Critics have stressed their brilliant art, their virtuosity and sense for a polished dramaturgy of individual performances.
The entrance to the hall is across the courtyard, next to the Café.
If you take pictures during the concert, please choose appropriate moment, such as applause, and never use flash, if recording a video, switch off the camera light.
You will be able to purchase a CD after the concert.